In a village deep in woodlands of dorset, the lives of the inhabitants,who gain their living from the trees around them, are affected by the lives of outsiders. Giles winterboume loves and is enga…
Dari pengalaman, sering terdengar suara-suara bahwa tes psikologi itu sulit. Sebagian orang menganggap bahwa soal-soalnya membingungkan. Anggapan itu sebenarnya keliru karena justru soal-soal tes…
EQ atau kecerdasan emosi, Kata para peneliti potensi diri, IQ baru dapat bekerja efektif apabila seseorang mampu memfungsika EQ-nya. Secara menarik dan mengesankan. IQ dan EQ baru akan bekerja s…
A vivid tableau of humanity caught up in turbulent times The streets of London are alive with the terror of the Gordon anti-popery riots of 1780.Against this backdrop of public disorder equally te…
Popular illustratet classics is a series of masterpieces from world literature.It indudes the works of English authors such as William shakespeare and Charles Dickens as well as authors such as Che…
Popular illustratet classics is a series of masterpieces from world literature.It indudes the works of English authors such as William shakespeare and Charles Dickens as well as authors such as Che…
Popular illustratet classics is a series of masterpieces from world literature.It indudes the works of English authors such as William shakespeare and Charles Dickens as well as authors such as Che…
Popular illustratet classics is a series of masterpieces from world literature.It indudes the works of English authors such as William shakespeare and Charles Dickens as well as authors such as Che…
Buku ini akan memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang pemeriksaan psikologi (psikotes). Dan dengan membaca buku ini Anda akan memperoleh gambaran yang benar dan rasional dalam menghadapi dan memaha…
Damai yang senantiasa menyelimuti tiba-tiba koyak. Lelap pelukan mimpi tidak mungkin dituntaskan karena genderang perang membangunkan isi kehidupan Majapahit. Pada sebuah fajar yang masih beku, par…