It is very difficult to imagine a world without sound. Our world is full of lots of different sounds, some you will like, some you won’t, some that are natural, some that are made for people or …
A magnet is a material that attracts certain metals. The invisible force of attraction is called ‘magnetism’. It is named after the magnetic rock called ‘lodestone’ or ‘magnetite’.
Which of These pictures machines? All of them, in fact! How many machines can you spot? Machines can be complecated or simple, large or small. loud or quiet.
Sebagai salah satu “mega center” keanekaragamn hayati, kepulauan Indonesia mengandung sumber daya hayati yang amat kaya. Dalam kerangka lingkungan global saat ini, kenyataan ini mengandung baik…
In the century since Charles Darwin’s death 1882, science has come far toward unraveling one of the central mysteries of nature-the long, tangled story of the evolution of life on earth.
Melalui buku ini anda dapat mempelajari : *Bagaimana cara menguasai dasar-dasar matematika *Bagaimana sebenarnya fungsi sistem penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, & pembagian *Bagaimana car me…
With sea covering more than two thirds of its surface, the planet earth might be more appropiatelly named water. This guide reveals the fascinating nature of the sea. It describes the powerful forc…
Rangkuman materi disusun secara sistematis, sehingga materi yang disajikan lebih bersifat intisari.Materi yang tersaji mengikuti Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi 2004.
Rangkuman materi disusun secara sistematis, sehingga materi yang disajikan lebih bersifat intisari.Materi yang tersaji mengikuti Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi 2004.