Seri English Readers adalah bacaan berbahasa Inggris didesain secara khusus untuk para peminat dan pembelajar bahasa Inggris tingkat Intermediate. Dengan topik cerita yang menarik dan beragam mul…
Empat sekawan Maddy Wilkinson, Louis Eary, Tahnee Carusa, dan Dene Runga belajar di The Shooting Stars, sekolah drama sekaligus agensi yangdipimpin oleh si eksentrik shelly Sotheby. Keseharian erek…
What would happen in Europe if a small and unimportant state were to gain absolute power? The only thing i want is the Kassen process. I wish to make it impossible for this gift of science to be m…
“When i fist heard of the house of to thousand lanterns i felt an immediate curiosity to know more of a place with such a name.Could there be a thousand lanterns in one house ? Who put them…
This novel by Thomas Hardy Follows the life of Michael Henchard. We first meet Henchard when he is twenty one.He has been drinking and sells his wife and daughter at a fair.We then follow his vary…
Simon Parks sends electronik letters to his friends all over the world using his personal computer. One day he receives a masage from someone who is not his friend someone who wants to steal 20 …
Smith said to the TV cameraman,â€You will now use your camera under my orders.If you do not, i’m sure you know what will happen to you.†The man said “I understand what e…
Heathrow has the problems of all the world’s airports, it sits at the crossroads between Europe and North America, and between Europe and Asia . Fifty-three thou sand people work there as …
Rumpelstiltskin merupakan kumpulan cerita : -The Miller and the King -In the Tower -The Odd Little Man -The Queen Of the Land -What’s My Name -The Miller Goes Hunting
Runaway Guy a care book at level 4,has many purposes.Amongst other things, this fourway story is designed to promote purposeful,enjoyable reading and especially, to develop the major interpretative…