Interlanguage adalah seri bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa SMA. Bahah ajar ini didesain untuk membuat pembelajar secara bertahap mencapai kompetensi berbahasa yang lebih tinggi. Materi-materi …
English learning in Developing English Competencies for Grade XI of Natural and Social Science Programmes is based on literacy based approach so you can get many learning experiences by considering…
Words in sentences have different parts of speech. Some words are nouns. There are different ways to test for whether words are nouns.
This book is about literature that student would enjoy and remember
Did you watch the blazing sunset last night or notice the full moon? Did you smell a flower or see a squirrel scamper by? Sometime we're just too busy to notice the nature around us. Keep a journal…
We're all a family Under one Sky We're a family under one skyf(from a song by Ruth Pelham)
This book is about literature that student would enjoy and remember
How to Study a Word : 1. Look at the word 2. Say the word 3. Think about the word 4. Write the Word 5. Check the Spelling
How to Study a Word : 1. Look at the word 2. Say the word 3. Think about the word 4. Write the Word 5. Check the Spelling
Before You Read : - Read the title of the selection - Look at the pictures - Think of what you already know about the subject and this kind of writing - Think about what you will read in the se…