This is book about economy, which meant originally the art of housekeeping. At housewife’s level economy is not very difficult to achieve. Any sensible married woman has a keen sense of econ…
This is book contains major management techniques which managers of today should know. Issues such as how to make decisions, how to lead, how to think creatuvily, as well as management concepts. A …
This is book deals with the principels of sales management, covering the selection of sales men, in - field coaching, motivation, appraisal system and controls. The author has included real life ca…
The Title of this book not a clever gimmick. Not at all. It is a clear and vivid description of an out look and a pattern of behavior that is sure to bring positive results in the pleasantest possi…
This is book on human relations which will be useful to everyone - whether he or she is the head of a huge multinational organizion, a shopkeeper with one assistent, a doctor with two partners or a…
This book describes the ideas of the worlds greatest management thinkers and practioners, but only those ideas presented with examples of how they work in real-life situations will be of immense he…
Marketing the key to business growth and survival,depends largely upon the synthesis of a wide range of inter-related factors including product knowledge,confidence, enthusiasm and a sound understa…
Pada edisi ini dimuat Bab VI baru memaparkan tat tulis bahasa Indonesia, khususnya mengenai penulisan tanda baca huruf, angka dan kata, termasuk tertib pemenggalan kata. Selanjutnya dilakkan pula …
Buku ini bertolak dari pemikiran bahwa fungsi PR menyangkut hidup matinya perusahaan. Secara komprehensif dan praktis penulis menjelaskan dan memberi petunjuk dengan memadukan teori komunikasi & j…