Gara-gara Mila buka Kafe, hubungannya sama Lupus jadi kurang harmonis. Lalu Boim dan Gusur taruhan. Yang kalah harus nraktir makan sebulan di kantin! kata Boim, Lupus putus sama Mila. Sedang Gusur …
Ini dia! Salah satu ungkapan cinta akan belahan jiwa kita. Teramat dahsyat rangkaian kata teruntai menjalin kalimat romantic puitis penuh ketulusan hati. Energi kasih dan sayang Kahlil Gibran tertu…
Since ancient times, humans have tried to fix their position on Earth by charting the lands, rivers, mountains, and seas that make up its surface. The very first maps served as practical guides for…
From clear mountain streams to muddy tropical swamps, from small, shallow ponds to vast, deep seas, the waters of the world teem with a wondrous variety of creatures. The oceans alone contain more …
All of the earth's creatures live in a biosphere made up of air, water, and land. Within this life zone, several million species of animals and about 500,000 species of plants interact in a continu…
Of all the planets in the Solar System, Earth alone had the good fortune to form neither too close to the Sun nor too far away from it. As a result, Earth became the only planet with temperatures t…
Mempelajari kimia berarti mengintip ke dalam dunia materi. Disitulah atom-atom bergabung dan terurai, atom saling mengikat dan menguraikan ikatan perhatian seorang ahli kimia adalah unsur, yang mas…
Animals' lives are shaped by basic needs. They' need to reproduce themselves. They need to protect themselves from their enemies. And they need to find food. Unlike plants, animals cannot produce …
Although people take the air for granted, Earth's atmosphere is the planet's most precious treasure. Born shortly after the planet formed, some 4.6 billion years ago, the atmosphere was created as …
Empat gaya utama terdapat dalam semesta dan mempengaruhi perilaku benda-benda dari yang berukuran subatom sampai yang mahabesar: gaya berat, gaya elektromagnet, dan gaya nuklir kuat serta lemah. Da…