Because of their frightening apperances, snakes, dragons and crocodile are founds in the legends and myths of people throught the world. In sculptures, paintings and masks used for various ceremoni…
Jendela informasi penting yang dirancang khusus untuk pelajar ini memuat beragam khazanah ilmu pengetahuan dari berbagai bidang(agama, antropoolgi, astronomi, bahasa dan sastra, biologi, ekonomi, f…
The Animal Kingdom series explores the familiar and bizarre creatures that make up our animal world. Each book looks at a particular group of animal and explains how the group is classified into sm…
Find the answersto these and many other fascinating questions in From Egg to Adult: The Life Cycle of Reptiles. All reptiles hatch from eggs using thei8r egg-tooth to break free - it's just one of …